Rebellious Son By Joe Goldberg

Rebellious Son is one hell of a read and Joe Goldberg brings the heat with a constant supply of action, witty exchanges, and a wonderfully complex plot. Bridger and his Spy Devils are up against worthy advisories as they seek to disrupt the global drug trade and track down a man they were sure they had already killed.

When a series of bombs explode across Europe, it is clear an infamous and long dormant terrorist named Specter has returned to the scene. Wes Henslow, the founder of the CIA’s counterterrorism center and Bridger’s mentor, is hell bent on finding “The Bombmaker” and putting him in the ground, even if it’s the last thing he does. To do that, Wes needs the help of the Spy Devils. Bridger’s mother May, a CIA legend in her own right, tries to dissuade him from assisting Wes in his hunt. Loyalties and wits are tested as the Spy Devils race around the globe following clues and trying to not get blown up in the process.

What sets this series apart is the utterly unique idea of a covert spy organization having not only an existing, but THRIVING, social media presence. While not serving as prominently in the second installment of the series, it’s still a cool addition to the genre. Adding that to the intriguing storylines, fantastic writing, and some of the funniest dialogue you’ll find in the genre, you have yourself a thriller that shouldn’t be missed. Goldberg supports his story by employing a heavy dose of information from his past profession, proving there is no substitute for experience and that the Devil is in fact… in the details.

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