Dark Sky By C.J. Box


They say that "all politics is local", but can the same be said about murder and revenge? In Dark Sky we are forced to ask ourselves very simple questions. How would I respond? What would I do?

When a social media mogul and his entourage come to his valley for an elk hunt, Joe Pickett is tapped to guide the group. Faced with political pressure from the highest levels in the state and countless colleagues depending on him for their livelihoods, Joe is thrust into the uneasy position of deciding whether frontier justice reigns supreme in Wyoming or not. All the while his friend Nate Romanowski pursues his own form of retribution against a Falconer who has broken the unwritten rules of their profession.

C.J. Box does an exquisite job of crafting two concurrent storylines that had me openly rooting for opposing philosophical stances based on which character was doling out justice. Only a true master of his craft can achieve that.

Dark Sky is a wild ride of survival and self reflection that forces its readers to determine who has the moral high ground when the modern world meets the traditions of our past.

This is a must read in 2021!

Follow Todd on Twitter or contact him via the site.

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