A Man At Arms By Steven Pressfield


I thoroughly enjoy taking a break from the spy/military thrillers every once in a while and grabbing something new. This month, that new novel was the historical, pseudo-real thriller called A Man At Arms by Steven Pressfield.

Technically a historical fiction novel, A Man At Arms kicks off roughly twenty years after Jesus’s crucifixion. Officers in the Roman Empire find some intelligence that someone has a letter that has potential to bring down their empire. With that, the Romans hire the man-at-arms. His name, Telamon of Arcadia, is tasked with intercepting the letter and capturing its carrier.

Pressfield’s writing and novels continue to amaze me. He released his first historical fiction novel, Gates of Fire, over twenty years ago, and he continues to write powerful novels with fantastic characters and fascinating dialogue. He is as profound as he is prolific, and each time I read one of his novels, the fact that he wrote The War of Art is again reinforced. His books are incredibly creative, deep, and engrossing. With the millions of books available, his are always a breath of fresh air. 

I can’t recommend this author and novel enough. It is fiction infused with a thriller and is a perfect read.

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