Soon Dies The Day By Stephen England

Weighing in at a hefty 700 pages, Soon Dies The Day appears quite daunting while it sits on your bookshelf. But fear not! The latest installment of the Shadow Warriors series is completely worth the investment of your time and energy. Because Stephen England has produced an epic saga centered on migration, nationalism, extremism and political power that is ripped from today’s headlines and turned into a grand spy novel.

Former CIA officer Harry Nichols finds himself a fugitive traversing Europe in an attempt to hide from those who would do him harm while also trying to outrun his own past. However, after being picked up by the German authorities he’s given little choice but to go undercover for the German security services and infiltrate a group of Islamophobic nationalists with visions of “taking back their country.” With radical voices getting louder and events building towards a violent end, Harry will have to silence his demons and dig deep to thwart the plans of these fanatics before chaos rules the day.

The foremost aspect of Soon Dies The Day that stands out is England’s meticulous attention to detail with a tremendous focus on storytelling, plot progression and character development. Taking seemingly disparate storylines and expertly integrating the various events and characters into a single captivating convergence. Slowly ratcheting up the tension and building pressure like water accumulating behind a dam, before exploding in a torrent of dynamic violence. A satisfying, conclusive burst of intense, vicious, deadly confrontations that captivates and ensures the squeeze is worth the juice.

If you are concerned that not having read prior books in the series will preclude you from enjoying this book, rest assured that’s not the case. It reads as a standalone and is highly enjoyable on its own merits. Just make sure to dedicate several hours of distraction free time to devote your full focus on immersing yourself in the intricate world that England has created.

Follow Steve on Twitter or contact him via the site.

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