Don't Ask, Don't Follow By Mary Keliikoa

Murder, intimidation and keeping secrets hidden take center stage in Don’t Ask, Don’t Follow, an investigative thriller that will keep you guessing before leaving you shook.  Mary Keliikoa has crafted an intense and twisty story in which no one can be trusted and the truth is hard to swallow. 

Beth Ralston is a paralegal at her father’s law firm.  During an office party, she finds her boss murdered in his office and a woman that looks like her sister Lindsay running away from the scene of the crime.  Shocked and awaiting the police to question her, Beth finds a message from her sister that states “Don’t ask. Don’t follow.”  But Beth isn’t one to sit idly by, especially when her sister is unreachable and in danger.  And as she investigates, dark secrets come to light, everyone she comes into contact becomes a target, and the truth about her own family threatens to rock her world.  But she won’t stop until she finds out what happened to her sister and takes down those responsible for the reprehensible plot she uncovers.  Even if it might kill her in the process.

Don’t Ask, Don’t Follow kicks off quickly with a murder in the first chapter, but then does an excellent job patiently and methodically building the investigation while maintaining a high degree of tension through casting doubt upon everyone and raising tons of questions.  But when the answers to those questions finally come…oh boy, look out!  Shocking truths and major twists hit you like a two by four to the face.  Making you wonder how Beth can ever pick up the pieces of the life she though she knew.  And making you think about your own family and what secrets they could be hiding.  Resulting in an entertaining, engaging, suspenseful and contemplative novel.

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