Beneath The Stairs By Jennifer Fawcett

Beneath the Stairs is one of the creepiest thrillers I’ve read. Bone-chilling, haunting and addictive from the very first page when the author introduces a mysterious basement door in a house visited by brutal horrors, a door that leads to undeniable terror for the young kids who explore it on a dare but come out changed for life.

One of the best aspects of this spooky tale is the sustained mystique of what haunts the characters from their experiences in the basement. The buildup to the reveal is phenomenal, with multiple interweaving timelines and characters whose collective discoveries unveil the mystery only after the reader is thoroughly spooked by the supernatural horror elements yet not entirely certain about its true nature.

At the heart of the story lies a web of grounded human interactions between realistically formed characters with severe emotional baggage. As you read through the transformative journeys of the characters from teenage years to adulthood, you form meaningful attachments to them and become heavily invested in their survival as the story dives into perilous grounds. With complex and flawed character psyches, an intriguing question begins to take shape; what’s scarier? Ghosts, or the potential for humans to be disturbingly terrifying?

For readers who like to test their limits by staying up late with a truly scary story, Beneath the Stairs is the perfect choice to keep you awake past bedtime and peering over at the bedroom door periodically as your brain starts visualizing the strikingly eerie events courtesy of the author’s immersive writing.

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